Tsunami emergency in Sri Lanka

8 years



CESVI – Cooperazione e Sviluppo is an independent humanitarian organization created in 1985 to fight poverty by promoting sustainable development projects that leverage local resources and actively engage the beneficiaries. The NGO also intervenes in all sorts of emergencies, across all continents, to rebuild civilian life after wars and natural catastrophes. Cooperation with Fondazione Zegna began during the humanitarian emergency caused by the tsunami that struck Indian Ocean coastlines on 26th December 2004. Fondazione Zegna supported with CESVI projects of social and economic rehabilitation. Cooperation continued on 2012 on the occasion of the earthquake that struck the Emilia (Italy) with projects towards a recovery of normal industrial activity and social life in the stricken communities.



Established in 1985, Cesvi is an independent non-religious association working for global solidarity. In line with two of its guiding values – the moral principle of human solidarity and the ideal of social justice – the Association provides humanitarian aid and development to reinforce affirmation of universal human rights.

Concrete objectives and change are requisites that CESVI and Fondazione Zegna have in common. Together, they organize cultural and educational programs to instill a new sense of humanity in vulnerable young people in various countries. The approach is both international and local, respecting and fostering all cultures.