Zegna forest, we look after our woodland

11,000 new trees, 33 hectares, 3 areas: our commitment in numbers


Eleven thousand trees planted in the last two years. Over 33 hectares of forest already subjected to intensive care and a further 166 hectares scheduled for the coming years. Two areas (Stavello and Margosio) already completely renewed and a third (Tre Pisse) will see new plantings next spring.
Such are the numbers behind the mission that Fondazione Zegna has undertaken with Zegna Forest, an impressive 10-year project launched in 2020 to safeguard the woodlands in the Biella area and an indispensable organization framework for a nature sanctuary like Oasi Zegna.

Taking care of the environment has always been in our DNA, ever since the philanthropist entrepreneur Ermenegildo Zegna initiated, in 1929, his ambitious program to plant 500,000 conifers to revitalize a mountain zone that was deforested and depopulated at the time.


But with the climate crisis getting worse every year, defending our territory and safeguarding biodiversity are precise responsibilities every one of us should share for the sake of generations to come.
We must make the territory – as well as the human beings in it – become more resilient. This is also the view of the FAI – Fondo Ambiente Italiano, which recently held a webinar on climate change after the closure of the COP26 negotiations in Glasgow. “We longer have time to put off the decisions needed to undertake radical action,” was the webinar’s ominous message. “The climate crisis is alarming: we must immediately change course and drastically reduce emissions to ensure we keep the average global temperature increase under 1.5° C.”dell’aumento della temperatura media globale riducendo drasticamente le emissioni”.

“Climate change,” said Paola Candiani, head of Restoration and Conservation at FAI, “calls for an all-round, almost holistic approach that includes not only energy saving, reducing water and CO2 footprint but also protecting biodiversity, and with a stronger focus on circular economy”.
We know that continuous maintenance of the territory, of our woodlands and paths in a fragile environment like the mountains is the key to developing resilience and preventing instability and disasters, such as fires.

Environmental protection and sustainability are two of the main areas in which we act, as in Zegna Forest, in line with strategies to mitigate and adapt to climate change. In 2020, for the record, we planted 3,000 beeches, 100 hornbeams, 200 oaks, 50 wild cherries, 50 lindens and 15 rowans.The types of tree, of various ages, were chosen for their ecological functions, to increase the forest’s resilience and biodiversity whilst also conserving its identity. This work was carried forward in 2021, in which our plantings included ,722 beeches, 2,673 firs, 20 wild cherries, 20 lindens, 20 hornbeams, 20 oaks and 119 larches.

The health of woodlands is also vital for our health. Every one of us can do their part to protect the environment. As individuals we can’t do much, but all together we can make the difference for the future of our territory and protect new generations. If you want to participate in the Zegna Forest project and adopt a tree, use this link to find out how to make a donation. We need help from everyone.

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